Hier finden Sie verschiedene Links zu Wild Heerbrugg und zu anderen Vermessungsseiten
Three Independent Global Companies Share One Brand
The successor of important firms as:
Wild Heerbrugg, Kern & Co. Aarau, Magnavox, Leitz, Reichert, Jung, Cambridge Instruments, ...
The Defense & Special Products Division of Wild Heerbrugg became a separate company in 2002 as Leica Vectronix AG and joined the French Sagem Group in early 2003
Leica Geosystems
The successor of Wild Heerbrugg AG
Leica Camera
Oskar Barnack developed the world's first 35mm camera.
Leica Microsystems
"Leica Microsystems has developed from five brand names, all with a long tradition: Wild, Leitz, Reichert, Jung and Cambridge Instruments. Leica Microsystems symbolizes not only tradition, but also innovation."
Leica Geosystems manufacturing companies:
Polymeca AG
Swissoptic AG
Website der "Vereinigung Ehemalger Wild-Stiften"
Kern & Co. AGWerke für Präzisionsmechanik, Optik und Elektronik
1819 bis 1991
Interaktive Schweizer Karten / interactiv maps from Switzerland
ore use this link to see where the town of HEERBRUGG is located
Maps, Weather, and Airports for Heerbrugg, Switzerland
Other interesting sites:
Gais, my hometown
with very good maps, also from Heerbrugg
Brochure: Surveying Made Easy. (176K)
This paper details some important aspects of surveying including instrument settings, error sources, and application programs.
Handbuch: Vermessen leicht gemacht (176K)
Deutsche Fassung : Die vorliegende Broschüre soll den Einstieg in die Vermessung erleichtern.
Ferdinand Rudolf Hassler (1770 - 1843)
Swiss Pioneer for US Surveying, Mapping and Standards
virtual exhibition, organized on the occasion of the 22nd International Conference on the History of Cartography, which took place from July 8 to 13, 2007, in Bern.
Deutsch: www.F-R-Hassler.ch
English: www.F-R-Hassler.ch/en
Française: www.F-R-Hassler.ch/fr
Land Surveying information, and U.S. links to Licensed Land Surveyors via E-mail
National Museum of American History
a on-line catalog of surveying and geodetic instruments in the National Museum of American History
Virtual Museum of Surveying
The Museum consists of exhibits which cover a variety of topics related to surveying history.
Museum of Surveying
A museum in Lansing, Michigan devoted to the presentation of surveying history.
Land Surveying Units and Resources
Glossery of "Units of Measure" and a lot of usefull links for land Surveying and Geodesy
The Coast and Geodetic Survey Photo Historic Image Collection
The Getting There Collection contains over 300 images depicting the methods and problems of "getting there"....
Surveyors Historical Society
A society dedicated to the preservation of the history of the science of surveying.
History of the National Geodetic Survey
Featuring an album of historical images, biographies, stories & tales,
historical map & chart collection and much, much more.
Washington Map Society
A society focused on cartography, its history and collecting of maps.
The Oughtred Society
A society devoted to slide rule collectors and historians.
The Library of Congress - Geography & Map Division
Online Map Collections 1544-1999; featuring maps on various subjects including
Discovery & Exploration, Military Battles & Campaigns, Cities & Towns,
Cultural Landscape, and Transportation & Communication.
A Introduction to Astronavigation
Calculating Machines
Website devoted to collecting calculating devices and associated information.
Features links to websites of both actual and virtual museums.
Virtual Surveying Instrument Collection
University of New South Wales, Sydney
The Gemmary
Forum, Instruments, and Restoration supplies
Antique Surveying Instruments
Celestial Navigation Data
Data Services
The Museum of HP Calculators
Gecko Optical Classifieds
Complete optical classifieds - Western Australia
Survey Express Services
UK Leica dealer for over 35 years
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey
Calvada Surveying, Inc. is a leading land surveyor providing professional land surveying services, including ALTA Survey, ACSM Surveys and 3D High Definition Land Surveying (High Definition Laser Scanning) services throughout the Western United States.
Hart Scientific
INSCO is the calibration laboratory for all types of measurement devices provides ISO accredited calibration services for research equipment, laboratory equipment and measurement weights.
Quality Tools for the professional Your number one online source for quality brand tools!
surveying equipment websites:
surveying equipment
survey instruments
survey equipment
Travel Guide to Cartographic Resources
A great source of any information about Cartography
Three Independent Global Companies Share One Brand
The successor of important firms as:
Wild Heerbrugg, Kern & Co. Aarau, Magnavox, Leitz, Reichert, Jung, Cambridge Instruments, ...
The Defense & Special Products Division of Wild Heerbrugg became a separate company in 2002 as Leica Vectronix AG and joined the French Sagem Group in early 2003
Leica Geosystems
The successor of Wild Heerbrugg AG
Leica Camera
Oskar Barnack developed the world's first 35mm camera.
Leica Microsystems
"Leica Microsystems has developed from five brand names, all with a long tradition: Wild, Leitz, Reichert, Jung and Cambridge Instruments. Leica Microsystems symbolizes not only tradition, but also innovation."
Leica Geosystems manufacturing companies:
Polymeca AG
Swissoptic AG
Website der "Vereinigung Ehemalger Wild-Stiften"
Kern & Co. AGWerke für Präzisionsmechanik, Optik und Elektronik
1819 bis 1991
Interaktive Schweizer Karten / interactiv maps from Switzerland
ore use this link to see where the town of HEERBRUGG is located
Maps, Weather, and Airports for Heerbrugg, Switzerland
Other interesting sites:
Gais, my hometown
with very good maps, also from Heerbrugg
Brochure: Surveying Made Easy. (176K)
This paper details some important aspects of surveying including instrument settings, error sources, and application programs.
Handbuch: Vermessen leicht gemacht (176K)
Deutsche Fassung : Die vorliegende Broschüre soll den Einstieg in die Vermessung erleichtern.
Ferdinand Rudolf Hassler (1770 - 1843)
Swiss Pioneer for US Surveying, Mapping and Standards
virtual exhibition, organized on the occasion of the 22nd International Conference on the History of Cartography, which took place from July 8 to 13, 2007, in Bern.
Deutsch: www.F-R-Hassler.ch
English: www.F-R-Hassler.ch/en
Française: www.F-R-Hassler.ch/fr
Land Surveying information, and U.S. links to Licensed Land Surveyors via E-mail
National Museum of American History
a on-line catalog of surveying and geodetic instruments in the National Museum of American History
Virtual Museum of Surveying
The Museum consists of exhibits which cover a variety of topics related to surveying history.
Museum of Surveying
A museum in Lansing, Michigan devoted to the presentation of surveying history.
Land Surveying Units and Resources
Glossery of "Units of Measure" and a lot of usefull links for land Surveying and Geodesy
The Coast and Geodetic Survey Photo Historic Image Collection
The Getting There Collection contains over 300 images depicting the methods and problems of "getting there"....
Surveyors Historical Society
A society dedicated to the preservation of the history of the science of surveying.
History of the National Geodetic Survey
Featuring an album of historical images, biographies, stories & tales,
historical map & chart collection and much, much more.
Washington Map Society
A society focused on cartography, its history and collecting of maps.
The Oughtred Society
A society devoted to slide rule collectors and historians.
The Library of Congress - Geography & Map Division
Online Map Collections 1544-1999; featuring maps on various subjects including
Discovery & Exploration, Military Battles & Campaigns, Cities & Towns,
Cultural Landscape, and Transportation & Communication.
A Introduction to Astronavigation
Calculating Machines
Website devoted to collecting calculating devices and associated information.
Features links to websites of both actual and virtual museums.
Virtual Surveying Instrument Collection
University of New South Wales, Sydney
The Gemmary
Forum, Instruments, and Restoration supplies
Antique Surveying Instruments
Celestial Navigation Data
Data Services
The Museum of HP Calculators
Gecko Optical Classifieds
Complete optical classifieds - Western Australia
Survey Express Services
UK Leica dealer for over 35 years
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey
Calvada Surveying, Inc. is a leading land surveyor providing professional land surveying services, including ALTA Survey, ACSM Surveys and 3D High Definition Land Surveying (High Definition Laser Scanning) services throughout the Western United States.
Hart Scientific
INSCO is the calibration laboratory for all types of measurement devices provides ISO accredited calibration services for research equipment, laboratory equipment and measurement weights.
Quality Tools for the professional Your number one online source for quality brand tools!
surveying equipment websites:
surveying equipment
survey instruments
survey equipment
Travel Guide to Cartographic Resources
A great source of any information about Cartography