How old is my Kern & Co. AG Aarau ?
Dating of Kern instruments is sometimes difficult because of two mainly reasons:
pre 1900: no serial number (first registered serial number is 16615 from Jan.16. 1899)
1910 19500
1920 23500
1930 27500
1940 30500
1950 40000
1960 73000
If not, you might use the following overview over there company logos to date your instrument:
(based on my drawing sets and brochures)
- pre 1900, instruments like levels and theodolites did not have serial numbers
- on drawing sets, they also used old items with old logos in newer sets (I have a set where they used logos from three periods ...)
pre 1900: no serial number (first registered serial number is 16615 from Jan.16. 1899)
1910 19500
1920 23500
1930 27500
1940 30500
1950 40000
1960 73000
If not, you might use the following overview over there company logos to date your instrument:
(based on my drawing sets and brochures)
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